All India Road Transport Workers’ Federation
Save the Transport industry- Protect the livelihood
All India Road Transport Workers’ Federation was founded on 01-06-1974. It is an umbrella organisation of all the segments of Road Transport both motorised and non motorised like Manuel Rickshaw, E Rickshaw, Auto Rickshaw, Taxi, Private Bus, RTC Bus, Truck, Oil Tankers etc. The aims and objectives of the Federation are to protect the Transport Industry and the welfare of the workers and to liberate the workers from all sorts of exploitation, extending support and solidarity to the struggles of different sections of the society. AIRTWF is trying its level best to bring all the Federations/Unions in the Road Transport industry and building united movement to protect the industry and the welfare of the workers. Formation of All India Coordination of Road Transport Workers Organisations is a part of the efforts.
Right from the inception AIRTWF is committed to achieve the objectives. It is responding on all the matters related to the Industry and the workers such as the Motor Vehicle Insurance, Motor Vehicle Amendments, Toll Taxes, Fuel Prices. Social Security for the unorganised Road Transport Workers, on the ill effects of the Labour Codes, Covid related issues etc.
AIRTWF is organising different activities on “Road Safety” like organising Medical Camps, Awareness Campaigns, Essay Writing Competitions to students etc.
Organising education classes/workshops at different levels for the Road Transport Workers to sensitise and enrich them on social, economical, cultural issues, the policies of the Governments and its impact on the industry and the workers.